What We Do

What We Do

The Secular Coalition for America advocates for religious freedom, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and works to defend the equal rights of nonreligious Americans. Representing 20 national secular organizations, hundreds of local secular communities, and working with our allies in the faith community, we combine the power of grassroots activism with professional lobbying to make an impact on the laws and policies that govern separation of religion and government — or the improper encroachment of either on the other.

Governmental Affairs

Our professional governmental affairs team located in Washington D.C. works to educate Members of Congress, Congressional staff, the White House and its Administration on the issues impacting religious freedom and nontheistic Americans. By serving as a resource on the key issues that impact our mission, we are ensuring that your lawmakers are informed about how their votes and policies will support, or undermine, the separation of church and state and the lives of nontheists and religious minorities. Our governmental affairs team is working with the Congressional Freethought Caucus and our Capitol Hill champions to advocate for the passing of legislation that supports a secular government and raises the profile of secular Americans and our secular values in Washington.

Grassroots Activism

We empower secular individuals and communities across the nation to be active participants in our democracy as voters and constituents. The single most powerful way we can create change is by making sure your lawmakers are hearing the voices of everyday voters who share our secular values. We equip our supporters and volunteers with the knowledge, training, and tools they need to make an impact and directly support our work in Washington.


Spreading Happiness

Inventore curae facere aliquam convallis possimus quo laboriosam ullamco harum iaculis ipsa, consequuntur interdum aut officiis pulvinar doloribus auctor optio. Omnis diam natoque magnis, risus quam auctor porro ratione natus, eu arcu optio.


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