Secular Values Voter
Secular Values Voter is a campaign to educate political candidates about the significant and rapidly growing secular constituency, the issues they care about, and the values for which they stand. To promote these values and protect our community and system of government, Secular Values Voter empowers secular Americans and our faith allies to be active and vocal participants in the political process.

Who are Secular Voters?
Religiously unaffiliated (“nonreligious”) Americans are the largest and fastest growing religious demographic in the country. While the nonreligious are a diverse group who span the political spectrum, these Americans are united on key political issues.
According to the 2015 Pew Religious Landscape Survey, the nonreligious overwhelmingly support legal access to abortion (73%) and same-sex marriage (78%) compared to evangelicals who oppose those same policies by smaller margins (63% and 64%, respectively).
Similarly, a 2016 Public Religion Research Institute poll found that 71% of the nonreligious oppose religiously-based service refusals compared to only 56% of evangelicals who support that same policy.
Despite recent trends, secular voters continue to be severely underrepresented in government. According to an analysis by the Pew Research Center, while the nonreligious comprise nearly one-quarter of all Americans, they comprise only just 0.2% of the 115th Congress. That means there are 100 times as many religiously unaffiliated Americans as there are religiously unaffiliated Members of Congress. We are determined to change that by mobilizing a voting bloc united by shared secular values and investing in strategic programs that empower secular values voters to be active, influential players in the electoral process.
What Are Our Secular Values?
Our four secular values — freedom, inclusion, equality, and knowledge — unite Americans of all faiths and no faith who believe in true religious freedom and support the inherent dignity and natural right to liberty of every individual. Our values are American values. They are based on the U.S. Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers, who were determined that the United States would never become a theocracy.