Advocacy Toolkit

As a secular American you can play a key role in the Secular Coalition for America’s work on Capitol Hill. Your voice, informing your elected representatives, makes the SCA message even stronger. You know what issues affect us and can give personal examples of why policies should or should not be implemented. Hearing that from a constituent is significant for a Member of Congress.

At the Secular Coalition we advocate for the separation of church and state, against discrimination based on religious beliefs or the absence of them, and against special treatment for religious institutions. So can you. Our Secular Agenda for the 117th Congress & Biden Administration can be found here. The agenda outlines the legislation we will work to pass into law and the regulatory changes we will work with the new Administration to implement. Coalition members put it together based on our shared priorities and interests.

As a Secular American you are far from alone. Secular Americans, those Americans who are atheist, agnostic, or describe their religious beliefs as “nothing in particular” (the “Nones”, as we call them), comprise 29 percent of the adult population, up from 17 percent in 2009, according to the respected Pew Research Center. This is a larger voting block than Catholics or any specific Protestant group. Your representatives should be paying attention. (More on the statistics below.)

Democrats currently occupy the White House and control the Senate and the House of Representatives. This may not last past the 2022 elections; history says control of the House is likely to change parties two years into a new presidency. The best time for action and advocacy is now!

The Secular Coalition Advocacy Toolkit provides resources that will help you advance our Secular Agenda. The Toolkit includes information on Congress, advocacy strategies, successful meetings, and more. You can also use it for state issues or for nonsecular issues that concern you; the same ideas apply. We need your help advocating for the Do No Harm Act and this Toolkit also includes specifics on how to help.

We hope that you will join us to help advocate for secular policies in any way you can: with a visit to your elected representatives, a phone call, a video chat, an email, or social media messaging.

Please feel free to share these advocacy resources with all your secular friends and acquaintances. Let them know that their help is essential to ensuring the voices of secular Americans are heard in your district and in Washington, D.C.

This toolkit includes:


Spreading Happiness

Inventore curae facere aliquam convallis possimus quo laboriosam ullamco harum iaculis ipsa, consequuntur interdum aut officiis pulvinar doloribus auctor optio. Omnis diam natoque magnis, risus quam auctor porro ratione natus, eu arcu optio.


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