Beto O’Rourke on LGBTQ Rights

Beto has made a variety of comments on LGBTQ Rights, including producing a comprehensive plan on the issue. To unveil the plan on June 12, 2019, he tweeted:

“We must ensure all Americans are treated equally no matter who they are or who they love. That’s why we just unveiled a plan to protect LGBTQ+ rights and finally secure comprehensive legal protection for members of the LGBTQ+ community.”

On June 13, he continued discussing his plan saying: 
“We cannot allow religious freedom to be used as a guise for discrimination. We must stand against this in Puerto Rico and we must reverse the Trump administration’s continued efforts to exacerbate LGBTQ discrimination everywhere.”

On the same day he tweeted: 
“Transgender women of color have been targeted, attacked, and murdered across this country. If we don’t urgently confront this reality, then we can’t correct it.”


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