To No One’s Surprise, the Museum of the Bible is Full of Misleading Exhibits

Even though the new Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. claims to be “nonsectarian,” it promotes a very clear Protestant view of the Bible. The writer Katherine Stewart called it a “safe space for Christian nationalists.”

But the people running the place have always insisted this is a museum, not a church. They may hope people come to Christ as a result of their visit, but the goal is to showcase the history of the Bible, good and bad.

You would think, then, that the exhibits in the place would at least be accurate from a historical point of view.

But the Freedom From Religion Foundation says that’s not the case at all. In a letter sent by the group to the museum’s Executive Director Dr. Tony Zeiss today, they point out a number of major inaccuracies in the exhibits.

Like on the second floor, where the museum showcases the “Impact of the Bible,” there’s a ride called “Washington Revelations” where you’re given a “tour” of D.C., “stopping by” several landmarks that have been influenced by the Bible or include biblical references.

The problem, FFRF says, is that some of the quotations mentioned in the ride “do not come from or were not influenced by the bible, while others do not demonstrate the biblical influence the museum claims.”

One example is how the ride says President Lincoln‘s Gettysburg Address was inspired by the Bible. That has no basis in fact. It appears that the museum is citing one source, which FFRF says is dubious at best, and even then it’s not very convincing. Another example is found when the ride “stops” at Union Station which includes a biblical inscription (John 8:32). FFRF points out that when the station was built, the “design, construction, and financing, including of the bible verse, were all private.” The museum, however, treats it with far more reverence than it deserves, sending the wrong message to casual visitors. The question is whether that’s accidental or on purpose.

Read the full story at the Friendly Atheist Blog


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