On Thursday, September 14, the House of Representatives voted to pass a “megabus” appropriations bill. Hidden inside this bill was a provision that would effectively repeal Washington DC’s aid-in-dying law. In 2016, the Secular Coalition for America lobbied alongside Compassion and Choices to the secure the passage of the DC Death with Dignity. The bill, which enjoyed widespread support in the District, was passed by a veto-proof majority and signed into law. Since its passage, some Members of Congress have worked tirelessly to see the law repealed.
No one should have their medical choices determined by someone else’s religious beliefs. If Congress succeeds in repealing DC’s Death with Dignity Act, it could inspire anti-choice lawmakers nationwide to set their sights on repealing aid-in-dying legislation across the country. The Secular Coalition for America will fight to protect the rights of terminally-ill patients and push back against this overreach by Members of Congress.